● Final grades represent the accumulation of learning of the AKS over the entire grading period.
● Tests (common assessments, district assessments, etc.) identify students who need additional interventions and those who would benefit from enrichment.
● Grades reflect academic achievement only and should not evaluate a student’s effort or participation.
● A student’s academic progress shall be graded using a numerical average according to the following scale:
- 90% and above (A) - excellent progress
- 80%-89% (B) - above-average progress
- 70%-79% (C) - average progress
- 0%-69% (U/F) - unsatisfactory progress/failure of acceptable progress
● Teachers’ evaluation of student learning is available via the parent portal.
● Points are not deducted for late assignments; however, late work turned in after the next scheduled test will not receive credit.
● Teachers provide intervention strategies for students who are not progressing satisfactorily and allow additional opportunities for reassessment or assignment completion.
● Teachers use a combination of Help Days, Hawk Time, and class time for reteaching and enrichment.
● Students should receive reteaching before retaking a test.
● All students can retest.
● A retest grade will replace the original test grade if it benefits the student’s overall grade.
● Depending upon retesting needs, students may retake tests during Help Days, Hawk Time, or class time.
● Retests are expected to be completed prior to the next scheduled test.